Articles by

Sally has a long-time passion for marketing. She dedicates herself to the success of small online businesses (including her own)! You can find her busy working on her next big idea, behind a book, helping women find love as a dating coach or working out early in the morning.
5 things you can do right now to improve your site's SEO
5 things you can do right now to improve your site's SEO

You've probably already heard of SEO, or search engine optimization. And you probably want your site to be more visible in search engines, too. But where...

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4 tips to stay safe on social media
4 tips to stay safe on social media

With 4.7 billion users worldwide, social networks have become a part of our lives. However, while these platforms are a place for sharing photos, videos,...

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Brand Image: 6 factors you can’t overlook
Brand Image: 6 factors you can’t overlook

Have you ever looked at a logo and wondered why the company chose that? Most probably. Did you ever visit a social media page with incoherent images and...

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MariaDB 10.6 Database Upgrade: What it Means for You
MariaDB 10.6 Database Upgrade: What it Means for You

Web Hosting Canada is delighted to announce that, beginning October 2023, we plan to upgrade MariaDB, the database engine powering our web hosting, managed...

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Your browser needs an urgent security update
Your browser needs an urgent security update

Browsing the web is like navigating the high seas: it's vast and exciting, but sometimes you might encounter a storm. And this is precisely what’s...

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Meet Frank: Chief Domain Nerd at WHC
Meet Frank: Chief Domain Nerd at WHC

Imagine someone whose passion for domains is so deep… it's etched in their resume, in their DNA and even on their car license plate. Meet Frank...

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WHC Turns 20!
WHC Turns 20!

It was just over 20 years ago, in September 2003, that I registered my very first company domain.  As a young Computer Engineering student still...

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Domain Backorders become Auctions (and get a facelift!)
Domain Backorders become Auctions (and get a facelift!)

Domain backorders & auctions allow Canadians to snatch up high-quality .CA domains the second they expire and become available for re-registration....

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WordPress 6.3
WordPress 6.3 "Lionel" is here

The latest version of WordPress has arrived and it’s the second major release of 2023! WordPress 6.3 “Lionel” is named after the celebrated...

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Introducing cPanel 110
Introducing cPanel 110

The latest version of cPanel, version 110, is now available at WHC! cPanel, renowned as the foremost hosting control panel on the web, is at your disposal...

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Web Hosting Canada manages fast and reliable online infrastructure with 24/7 support. Learn more about WHC