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Trusted by over 60,000 Canadian Small Businesses
Ella Tsang
I have nothing but AMAZING experiences with the WHC live chat support. I started my website making journey with WHC and it has always been so smooth to get assistance… I will continue to recommend you guys to my friends and clients.
Richard E. Ward
I recently moved my web hosting to Web Hosting Canada and I would happily give them 10 Stars. Apart from providing me with a solid technical environment, they have provided me with absolutely First Class, friendly, informative and fast support.
Jessy Maria
Incredible customer service! Every time I get stuck, I know I can ask for help and receive a fast and very helpful response. I would highly recommend Web Hosting Canada to anyone, including beginners to the web hosting world.
WordPress 6.6 has landed! It brings a suite of updates designed to enrich your site's functionality and aesthetic appeal. At WHC, we're committed to helping...