cPanel on iPhone: Hosting Management on the Move

cPanel on iPhone: Hosting Management on the Move

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As of 2019, cPanel appears to have discontinued the iPhone and Android cPanel App support. The content of this article may no longer be accurate.

Don’t wait till you get to a computer to modify your website, emails or database. Just grab your iPhone and use the cPanel iPhone app! The app is free, lightweight and simple so why not give it a try?

cPanel iPhone app: What does it do?

The app allows users to easily access the three core cPanel services: cPanel, Webmail and WHM. This means that the app works not only for cPanel account owners but also for reseller and server administrators.

With the cPanel iPhone App you’ll be able to quickly

  • Manage your account’s files with the File Manager
  • Read & Manage your emails with Webmail
  • Manage databases, redirects, forwarding, auto-replies, and more
  • For resellers: manage your client accounts through WHM

...all this while on the move, from your iPhone or iPad!

Why the cPanel app and iPhone make a great team

The cPanel iPhone App is both convenient and secure. Latest generation iPhones have useful security features that make it hard for unwanted people to log into your device. The most notable being facial recognition and touch ID (fingerprint scans) protection.

The cPanel App makes use of the iPhone's security features by securely saving a long and complex password within your App, then enabling access through a touch of your finger (you won’t need to remember your password). If an intruder got hold of your iPhone, they would not be able to access your cPanel account through the app without your face or fingerprint.

cPanel app for android

The cPanel Android app has also been available for some time. Unlike the iPhone App, the Android app does not offer facial recognition or touch ID. It does offer password, PIN-code (numeric password) and pattern protection (a particular pattern you trace with your finger) but these are generally considered to be less secure.

How to use the cPanel iPhone App

Download the iPhone or Android app on your device, open it, then click + to add a new connection. Now enter:

  • Name: any name of your choosing for you to remember this connection by
  • Address: Usually your domain name (or server name for Cloud or Dedicated servers)
  • Service: choose between cPanel, Webmail or (for resellers or server managers) WHM.
  • Enter your Authentication details:
    • Username & Password: Provided when you opened your account (or created your email, if Webmail). Can be found and changed from your Client Area.
    • TouchID: allows you to connect with your fingerprint rather than your password, so we recommend you leave this on.

Happy hosting with your new mobile App!

About the author: Marc Pilon

Marc is a SEO Copywriter, Research Analyst, Marketer and Boardgame Wizard at WHC. He focuses on everything from developing new online growth strategies, content creation, technical SEO, and outreach within the community.

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