
Find Your .US Domain Name

Establish yourself in the US Market!

Starting at C$14.99/year
Transfer your domain Register bulk domains

What is .US?

.US represents the online community of America and attracts those looking to buy American. Don’t let this opportunity pass you by.

Why choose a .US domain?

The United States of America offers more opportunities than any other English-speaking country for eCommerce or readership. Benefits:
  • Tells visitors know that you are part of the American economy.
  • Promotes trust among Americans.
  • Delivers worldwide recognition.
  • Has a higher availability than .COM, so you can find the name you want.

Who can register a .US domain?

  • American citizens and permanent residents.
  • An organization, entity or business with a primary location in the USA.
  • An organization, entity or business that has a bona fide presence in the USA.

Who should register a .US domain?

  • Individuals or businesses wanting solid access to the US market.

.US Domain Pricing

Term Register Transfer Renew
1 year C$ 14.99
$ 16.99
C$ 14.99
$ 16.99
2 years C$31.98 C$ 33.98
3 years C$48.97 C$50.97
5 years C$82.95 C$84.95

.US Domain Features

Web Hosting Canada gives you more. With each new domain name registration, you also get:

Domain Essentials (included!)

Redirect your visitors to a different website or domain easily without the need for hosting.
Great for redirecting professional @yourdomain emails to your personal email.
Manage your DNS records and improve domain request handling efficiently.

Domains Addons ($)

Protect your domain with more powerful Anycast DNS to help withstand large-scale attacks and increase uptime. Starting at 0.99$/mo.
Find your perfect .US domain today Search Now