Comodo CA is Now Sectigo
Web Hosting Canada has proudly partnered with Comodo for many years as its primary SSL Certificates provider. SSL Certificates are used to provide trust and encryption for websites and their users online.
As Comodo CA, the division of Comodo Group responsible for SSL certificates, was acquired by Francisco Partners in October of 2017, it comes as little surprise that some form of transformation should occur. Luckily, these change will not affect the reliability, functionality or cost of this important security feature.
What is changing is that Comodo CA has rebranded itself as Sectigo (pronounced Sec-TEE-go). And one of the reasons why is pretty interesting.
Why Did Comodo CA Change Their Name?
When Francisco Partners acquired Comodo CA, this did not mean the end of Comodo Group, the former owner of Comodo CA. Comodo Group already focuses on a variety of other cybersecurity solutions, including antivirus & firewall solutions.
As both Comodo CA and Comodo Group are in the cybersecurity industry they would often be at the same events and tradeshows. This caused a great deal of confusion. Why?
Here is the logo for Comodo CA
And here is the logo for Comodo Group
As you can imagine, these now distinct companies were often confused as being one and the same. I cringe at the thought of either group’s customer support staff having to explain again and again, “Oh I’m sorry, you’ve actually reached Comodo CA, but you're looking for Comodo Group” or vice versa.
What’s a company to do? Well, rebrand, of course!
Now at trade shows (or anywhere else), if you are searching for what was formerly known as Comodo CA, you will look for this logo.
So, if you arrive on the Web Hosting Canada’s website or client area and see that your Comodo SSL certificate has changed to Sectigo, there is no need for concern. You are getting the same great security protection, just with a new look! If you have recently purchased SSL certificates, Web Hosting Canada will be posting updated site security seals, powered by Sectigo, in your Client Area for your perusal.
If you have not already secured your website(s) with SSL, it's not too late: get your Sectigo SSL certificate today!
Happy Hosting,
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