cPanel Hosting: The (not so) secret hero of web hosting
If you're using Web Hosting Canada's web solutions, then you've likely already used cPanel. With the release of cPanel 70, now is a great time to talk about this leading web hosting control panel.
So, let's take a moment and learn more about it!
What is cPanel?
cPanel is the world's leading control panel. Think of it as a comprehensive toolbox intended to allow you (or your IT team) to manage all aspects of your website, database and email services. Instead of dealing with complex applications from the so-called "command-line", cPanel provides a user-friendly interface to manage it all securely and directly through your web browser.
What is WHM?
Just as cPanel is used to manage a single hosting account, Web Hosting Manager (WHM) helps manage multiple cPanel accounts, as well as general server configuration. The WHM is a central part of our Reseller Web Hosting, Cloud or Dedicated Servers solutions, on which most clients will operate multiple websites, databases and/or emails. WHM is also the place where administrators will create new hosting plans, define account limits, and review the overall health of their server.
Why choose cPanel Hosting?
cPanel is the world standard in web hosting control panels. It makes managing your website and hosting account simple while providing hundreds of useful features. The cPanel software itself is maintained by a team of hundreds of developers based out of Houston, ensuring frequent updates that keep the system secure, highly performant, and feature-rich. cPanel standardizes certain operations, such as backups and PHP configurations, making it easier to migrate accounts between servers, and between providers, without losing any data in the process. Perhaps most importantly, cPanel is an open platform, that doesn't tie you in to a specific provider's technology or tools. You can install literally thousands of different software tools such as Wordpress, Drupal, Joomla, Prestashop, with just a few clicks, as well as tens of thousands of PHP-compatible open-source applications available freely online. By choosing a cPanel-based web hosting account, you are putting the reliability, functionality, and flexibility of your online presence first.
It’s not surprising that many people demand cPanel as part of their hosting package!
Web Hosting Canada's cPanel Hosting
WHC provides cPanel hosting for all its web, cloud and dedicated hosting services. As official cPanel partners, we are also very knowledgeable in both the functional and technical aspects of cPanel and WHM. All Web Hosting Canada support agents must obtain cPanel certifications to ensure that they meet the necessary standards for support and customer care when dealing with various issues that may arise.
What's new in cPanel?
Updates are frequent and dense, containing dozens of additions and revisions. A brief look will help provide a taste of the types of improvements that cPanel regularly delivers.
Geolifter Logins with cPHulk: Courtesy of version 70 (due to be released later this February), this security update is for the more tech-savvy among us. It allows you to block or white-list entire countries. This tool will help security-minded Cloud and Dedicated server clients mitigate possible harmful activities from regions you have no interest in.
AutoSSL: Version 68, provided a service that made a significant impact on web hosting & reseller hosting. SSL is a security measure that protects visitor/staff interactions on a website and cPanel provided a basic version for free. Signified by the ‘s’ in https, having an SSL certificate on a site promotes trust and helps to improve site ranking. Similarly to commercial SSL certificates (which also add insurance and site seals), AutoSSL certificates provide encryption and trust, while reducing the overall cost. AutoSSL is included on our Pro or Enterprise Canadian Web Hosting plans.
We hope this overview gave you some additional useful insight into cPanel. For more information on all that Version 70 has to offer, take a look at their Official Release Notes. If there are specific features you would like us to write about, please let us know!
Happy Hosting,
The team at WHC
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