Meet Sally, our new Marketing Manager!
Hello WHC clients and partners!
My name is Sally Prosser and I’m the new Marketing Manager here at Web Hosting Canada. I’m really excited to be joining this fabulous Canadian team, to help us continue to meet your needs and to push you all into the forefront of your respective industries (where you deserve to be, eh?!)
Everything we do at WHC will continue to have the same values in mind, including providing Canadian businesses with the means & know-how to succeed online, while setting the highest standards for service reliability and security. Afterall, it’s what we’re all about!
I’m also a big fan of transparency and sharing and would love to have your feedback about your experiences with WHC and/or how we can improve. You can always reach out to me at: [email protected] or hit us up on social media (and follow us while you’re there, won’t you?):
Happy to connect with all of you!
Also on the WHC Blog

WordPress 5.5 - “Eckstine” Improves Speed, SEO, and Security
WordPress 5.5 - named “Eckstine” by developers - went live on August 11, 2020. While WP 5.5 brought some exciting changes (including native lazy loading and sitemaps), it has also resulted in broken websites for some...
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How to Optimize Your Images for a Faster Website
The optimization of images for the web is a critical factor in determining your site speed. Poorly sized, uncompressed images are one of the main issues that slow down many websites today. Fortunately, there is an entire...
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