4 Reasons to secure your domain name now
An accessible internet has changed the world we live in forever. Owning a domain name used to be considered a luxury or limited to brands and businesses. Now, registering your own domain is so affordable and easy to do that anyone can purchase a domain to build their own presence on the internet.
What is a domain name? Just like a home address helps people find your house, a domain name like whc.ca is your website’s unique name online.
Let’s review our top 4 reasons why Canadians should consider buying a domain in 2021.
1. Grow your personal brand
Canadians are moving fast at locking down their own personal names as a domain. Even if your brand is only YOU; the person, the individual, the talent or perspective you have, and not some business you created. You should still secure a domain that represents everything you do. Personal branding has become so important, now more than ever in history.
FACT: If someone wants to learn more about you, it only takes a few clicks before they come face-to-screen with your online presence. These consist of images, social media profiles, different mentions of your name in online publications over the years, etc. All these elements represent who you are… they represent your personal brand.
"Your brand is what people say about you when you’re not in the room.”
- Jeff Bezos
When you own your personal domain and brand, you can help to better curate the content that shows up when someone types your name into a search engine like Google.
Personal branding is being acknowledged as so important that it's now common for parents to secure their babies’ online presence, even before they’re born! So not only does the baby get a crib, and a room all set-up before birth, but they also get their own secured domain too. Registering a domain for your kids has many benefits for their future; most are just starting to be recognized now.
There is no doubt that personal branding is becoming increasingly important for this generation and all future generations. Branding is no longer a vague concept limited to businesses or influencers… In today’s world, everyone has a personal brand!
2. Control your content
An online presence can be difficult to fully control, but having your own website or domain puts you in the driver’s seat of your own image and brand. Owning your own domain helps you control the narrative.
You have greater freedom of speech as you can (reasonably) post whatever type of content you want, and ‘own’ that content. Facebook and other social platforms can ban you if you don’t follow their terms of service. With your own website, you’re able to openly express your opinions and create content that resonates the most with you without (much) limitation. That can come in useful, depending on your niche. Just ask all the Canadian-based cannabis companies trying to advertise perfectly legal products or services on Facebook; it’s extremely difficult or nearly impossible to do.
To put it simply, using social media platforms is like renting a studio in downtown Montreal, with a long list of rules to make sure you don’t bother the neighbors. However, owning a domain and website is more like owning a house where you get to set your own rules.
3. Make a profit
Some domains age like wine.
Have you ever heard of ‘Domaining’? Yes, it’s a thing.
Domaining AKA Domain Name Speculation is the art of registering popular or useful domain names and selling them for a profit.
You can hit the jackpot if you find the right domain and secure it and sell it at the right time.
Here are just a few of the known high-profile .ca domain name sales (as reported by BizNets in 2018):
- creditcards.ca $650,000
- jobs.ca $600,000
- poker.ca $400,000
- slots.ca $206,906
- flights.ca $120,000
- usedcars.ca $115,920
- flight.ca $99,000
- coupons.ca $85,000
- coupon.ca $75,600
- pw.ca $60,000
- ia.ca $58,590
- emplois.ca $56,200
- cv.ca $54,977
- ampli.ca $50,000
- cheapvacations.ca $47,000
Some domainers earn their living exclusively through buying and selling domains, also known as domain brokering.
4. Boost your credibility and professionalism
Securing your own domain is the start of something great. Most successful entrepreneurs will tell you that the moment they secured their domain name was the moment they felt like a true professional.
A domain name helps you look more credible, whether or not you sell things online! For example, when bundled with professional email your domain enables you to create your own branded email and look like a pro. So instead of using [email protected] on your resume, you can put your domain email (like: [email protected]), and increase your credibility and brand recognition with every email you send.
Ready to get your own domain?
Start by searching for an available domain name and reserve your domain today! Depending on the domain extension you choose, it could be as inexpensive as a 10$ investment a year!
How do you decide on a domain name?
You could choose a domain based on:
- Your actual name (sallykathryn.com)
- Your business name (thepeopleguru.ca)
- A keyword (kiteforce.ca)
Consult the Canadian Guide to Finding Your Perfect Domain Name for some killer tips to get the best domain for your needs.
2021 is the year for people to start owning their space and presence on the web. It’s easy to do and can serve so many purposes, including income and credibility. So what are you waiting for?
Psst, if you own a domain for your business but you do not have your own website, you may want to read 5 reasons your business needs a website.
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