Tag Archives: WordPress

WordPress 5.7 Esperanza is here!

The WordPress 5.7 "Esperanza" update has been released on March 9, 2021, and includes some great features that give more control over the look and feel of your website.

Want the newest version? Visit our WordPress tutorial to learn how to update from your admin dashboard. 

We suggest backing up your website before updating any software, including plugins and themes.

What’s new?

The WordPress 5.7 update includes 62 enhancements, 141 bug fixes, 4 feature requests, and 37 tasks (blessed). Here are some of the most noteworthy ones:

Block Layout

You can now drag and drop blocks using the Gutenberg user interface, which includes setting full-height to blocks for better layout control. Each variation of blocks will also allow you to have a description attached to it, which is perfect for social icons.

Icon Sizing

You can adjust the size of icons by choosing pre-populated size options (small, normal, large, huge). Font size can also be adjusted within blocks in the same manner.

Enhanced Buttons

Buttons can now be vertically aligned (in addition to horizontally), and a width percentage can be chosen for additional visual and responsive control.


With the click of a button, you can migrate your WordPress content from HTTP to HTTPS, avoiding any mixed content issues! This means less manual work with changing URL settings.

Media Improvements

This update includes automatic lazy-loading iframes to improve the speed and performance of media on your website. This means the media won’t be loaded until it’s clicked on, reducing the time taken to load up your website.

Standardized Colors

We now have wp-admin standardized color palettes with more options to choose from (both light and dark) and greater color contrast between links.

Robots API

This update includes a filter-based Robots API, which provides central control over the robots meta tag. The function of the robots meta tag is that it lets you use a more granular and page-specific approach to search engine indexing, where you have more control.

To view the complete list of changes, you can refer to the WordPress.org website.

WordPress at Web Hosting Canada

If you currently use WordPress for your website through a shared web hosting account, you may want to switch to one of our Managed WordPress plans.

These accounts offer one-click staging so you can test updates or make changes to content before pushing to production (your live website). We also offer daily backups, a free SSL certificate, and recommended plugins for a quick-start experience. Overall, our Managed WordPress plans offer improved speed, security, and automatic minor updates!

Have any questions? Leave them in the comments below.

WordCamp Montréal 2019: Voici ce que vous avez manqué!

La conférence WordPress de Montréal, WordCamp 2019, est désormais terminée mais l'équipe de WHC était sur place en tant que commanditaire Or. Voici ce qui s'est passé ce week-end à l'événement, au cas où vous l'auriez manqué!

2 Jours. 45 Présentations. 17 Commanditaires. 400 participants.

Avec 3 salles de conférences simultanées couvrant un large éventail de sujets liés à WordPress sur une période de 2 jours, il y avait quelque chose d'intéressant pour tout le monde. Débutants, utilisateurs chevronnés de WordPress et développeurs se sont réunis au John Molson School of Business, au centre-ville de Montréal, pour améliorer leurs connaissances et partager leurs expériences avec le système de gestion de contenu le plus populaire du monde. Lorsqu'ils n'assistaient pas aux présentations, il y avait du réseautage! Un incontournable pendant ces conférences, il ne manquait pas d'échanges intéressants et de brainstorming autour d'un café et d'une collation. L'équipe d'Hébergement Web Canada était présente pour accueillir les participants au stand de WHC, aux côtés d'autres commanditaires WordCamp, notamment Pantheon, BlueHost, GreenGeeks, WPEngine, Liquid Web et Weglot. En tant que seul fournisseur d'hébergement canadien à l'événement, WHC était fier de présenter sa propre solution d'hébergement WordPress 100% canadienne. WHC team at WordCamp MTL 2019 Nous avons eu le plaisir de rencontrer des clients de longue date, certains pour la première fois, mettant enfin des visages sur certains noms! Pour ceux qui voulaient avoir un premier aperçu, le démo de la toute nouvelle fonctionnalité Staging WordPress était disponible. Nous avons aussi apprécié les discussions entourant les problèmes et les défis WordPress qui préoccupent les participants et le conférenciers. Pour ceux qui avaient des questions auxquelles les présentations n'ont pas répondu, le WordPress Happiness Bar avait des volontaires WordPress prêts à vous aider et fournir des réponses et des astuces. Bien sûr, vous avez besoin de carburant pour que le cerveau puisse enregistrer correctement 2 jours remplis d'informations précieuses. Les organisateurs de WordCamp ont fourni des déjeuners copieux et des collations santé pour nous aider à continuer!

Les sessions de WordCamp 2019

Avec plus de 45 sessions présentées dans 3 salles distinctes en simultané, il était difficile de choisir les présentations auxquelles assister. En voici quelques-unes qui ont retenu notre attention. Emil Falcon, fondateur de WHC, a donné le coup d'envoi des présentations de la première journée avec Maîtrisez vos déploiements WordPress avec un système de Staging. Emil a parlé de l'importance d'utiliser un environnement de Staging (test) pour votre site WordPress afin de tester les changements en toute sécurité et de découvrir les bogues avant la publication. Emil Falcon durant la conférence WordCamp Montréal 2019 Pendant le Unscramble my design: UX tricks, Estella Garcia Zamora a fourni des instructions étape par étape sur la création d'un excellent design UX et l'organisation d'un site pour améliorer la convivialité et faire une première impression supérieure. Cédric Béthencourt et Maxime Jobin ont présenté 50 000 traductions en 90 jours pour WordPress en français. Les participants ont appris la meilleure façon d'organiser leurs projets de traduction, ainsi que de nombreux conseils, outils et ressources utiles pour assurer l'exactitude et l'efficacité. Par exemple, saviez-vous que WordPress possède un glossaire canadien-français local pour la traduction de termes techniques? Les tests et l'automatisation étaient à l'ordre du jour, Andrew Taylor discutant de la façon de tester les fonctionnalités critiques avec Behat, Bérenger Zyla montrant comment assurer l'intégration et les déploiements continus (CI/CD) dans WordPress, et Sariha Chabert montrant comment effectuer des tests automatiques de bout en bout avec CodeceptJS.

Continuez à apprendre!

Si vous avez manqué une présentation, ou l'événement en entier, vous pouvez visionner les diapositives de la plupart des présentations sur le site officiel de WordCamp MTL 2019. Gardez un œil sur WordPress.tv dans les prochains mois pour voir toutes les vidéos des présentations de WordCamp MTL 2019. Vous pouvez également visionner les vidéos des événements WordCamp passés dans le monde entier. En parlant de vidéos, WHC diffusera certaines de nos propres séquences de l'événement au cours des prochaines semaines. Ne les manquez pas!
Intéressé à démarrer votre propre projet WordPress? Nos forfaits d'hébergement WordPress ont tout ce dont les Canadiens ont besoin pour bien réussir!
Merci encore aux fantastiques organisateurs de WordCamp MTL 2019 et à tous ceux qui ont participé à l'événement. L'équipe de WHC s'est bien amusée et nous espérons vous y revoir l'année prochaine 🙂 Bon WordPress-age! L'équipe WHC

One-Click WordPress Staging is Here!

Every time you make a change to a live website, you risk introducing an error that could cost you time and money, or harm your organisation’s online reputation. Depending on the change, potential problems range from small visual glitches that will make your website display poorly on one or more web browsers, to bigger problems that cause your entire website to go offline or even get delisted from search engine results. WordPress Staging from WHC is finally here to help you avoid these problems!

What is WordPress Staging?

WHC’s WordPress Staging is a solution that allows you to quickly, easily and securely execute and test changes to your WordPress website in a private location before they’re published on your live domain. Changes you can test include:
  • Posting a new blog article
  • Changing your theme
  • Adding or updating a plugin
  • Changing your PHP version or configuration
Everything you can do on your live website, you can now do in your staging (or test) website! WordPress Staging is included for free with the Pro & Beast Managed WordPress Hosting plans. It is available immediately in Beta mode from the WordPress section of your Client Area.

How can I Activate WordPress Staging?

Activating WordPress Staging with WHC is easy. Start by connecting to your Client Area, and click into your WordPress service. Now, click on Staging, Button Staging in Managed WordPress then click Create Staging Site to generate your first Staging environment. Staging creation button The Staging system will automatically copy all your WordPress files and WordPress database to a private website address, so that both environments have the exact same content. For smaller WordPress websites, this takes less than a minute! To prevent duplicate content penalties, which could potentially harm your website’s ranking in search results, we’ll instruct search engines not to include your WordPress Staging site in their results. Once the WordPress Staging environment has been fully set up, it’s ready for use!

How can I Use WordPress Staging?

Once you’ve activated WordPress Staging, you can click on Staging to access your Staging dashboard. This dashboard will compare the configuration of your Live and Staging WordPress sites in real-time, to help keep things synchronized. Staging view You can now log in to your Staging WordPress Admin by clicking on Staging WP Admin and make all the changes you need. You can also use the File Manager or SFTP to modify your files and themes, or even change your site’s PHP version or PHP settings. When you’ve finished making your changes, you can test them by visiting your staging website’s private address. Once you’ve finished testing your changes, it’s time to push them to your live website. Simply choose which direction you wish to synchronize changes in:
  • Push Staging to Live to deploy the changes you’ve made from your test environment to your live environment.
  • Copy Live to Staging to update your test environment with your live content.
Then, choose what to copy:
  • Everything will copy files, folders and database. This will be the most common option for most users.
  • Files Only will copy files and folders, but not the database. This is a useful option if, for example, you’ve made some style changes to your themes but don’t want to override recent activity on your Live website.
  • Database Only will copy the database, but not the files. This is the least common option but can be useful if, for example, you’ve modified files on your Live environment and only wish to push a change you’ve made on one of your Posts.
Now click Start Sync to begin the automatic copy process. On small websites, this will normally finish in under a minute. On larger websites, it can take upwards of 30 minutes. Either way, we’ll send you an email once it’s done! If you’re happy with your update, pat yourself on the back; you’re done! In the unlikely scenario where you uncover issues following an update, your account backups are there to help you revert any changes quickly and safely.

Adopt Staging as Part of Your Deployment Process

If you’re a WordPress professional, a developer, or a webmaster in an agency, you should never make changes to your live website directly. There’s just too much that can go wrong. Using Staging as part of every deployment will reduce errors and will keep clients and website visitors happy. With Staging, you’ll see a side-by-side comparison of both environments and you’ll be able to synchronize them continuously. If needed, you can disable automatic updates in production, enable them only in staging, and synchronize changes only after having tested them first. If you’re a developer, you can take things one step further by using source-control systems like GIT to version control your changes and easily track or revert updates with your development team. More about GIT and version control in a later article!

Test Your Website Changes Like a Pro

Testing changes made to your website should follow a thorough, step-by-step approach in order to minimize potential problems. Here are some steps to follow:
  1. Visually inspect the main pages of your website in Staging
  2. Test your website across multiple browsers:
    • Google Chrome
    • Mozilla Firefox
    • Safari (on Mac)
    • Microsoft Edge
  3. Test your website’s responsiveness on mobile:
    • iPhone / iPad / iOS
    • Android devices
    • Try resizing your browser screen on a full-sized computer screen and observe the behavior of your page. Remember: there are hundreds of popular screen sizes! Your site should render correctly on all popular resolutions.
  4. Test dynamic pages:
    • Page speed load times: Is your site slow or sluggish following your update?
    • Contact form: Does the email get delivered?
    • Order form: Is the correct pricing being displayed?
    • Admin login: Are you still able to log in?
    • Website login form: If you have a members-only section, does the authentication work?

Stay Calm and Use Staging

WordPress Staging removes uncertainty from your WordPress deployment process. It helps ensure both your clients and your visitors enjoy a smooth, stable experience throughout your website’s lifecycle. WordPress Staging is included with WordPress Hosting plans and is already integrated seamlessly in your Client Area. If you haven’t already, sign up now! Happy WordPress-ing! WHC Team