Web Hosting Canada

Marie-Eve Petit

WHC’s Blog

Articles by Marie-Eve Petit

Marie-Eve is WHC’s Marketing Manager and a true word nerd. She loves keeping busy creating content, writing blogs or conversion copy. She also spends way too much time on Twitter and enjoys meditating with a Spritz in hand.
7 Ways to Secure Your Online Business
7 Ways to Secure Your Online Business

If you own a business there’s a good chance you have a website; and if you have a website, you need to keep it secure.  As soon as you launch...

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4 Reasons to secure your domain name now
4 Reasons to secure your domain name now

An accessible internet has changed the world we live in forever. Owning a domain name used to be considered a luxury or limited to brands and businesses....

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5 Reasons your business needs a website
5 Reasons your business needs a website

Entrepreneurs across the country are moving their businesses online faster than ever. As a result of the pandemic, it’s become abundantly clear that...

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